Industrial Equipment and Piping Installation, Maintenance and Machining Services
BCMek provides various machining and maintenance services to industry. We specialize in industrial equipment and piping installations. We have experience in PED piping assemblies. We manufacture and supply PED pressure equipment pipelines as complete projects for various industrial sites.
By the end of 2020, BCMek will implement the quality requirements covering the certified welding quality system SFS-EN ISO 3834-2, Part 2.
Our company has extensive experience in Pulp & Paper installation and maintenance services.
Our machines deliver the customer’s prototypes and small batches quickly. Thanks to the workshop’s versatile machine base, challenging products and assemblies are also successful with high quality and dimensional accuracy. The manufacture of machine parts and tools from special metals and also their various coatings through partners is possible as required.
Our industrial machining and installation services
- Industrial installation services
- Equipment modernization packages
- PED piping
- Maintenance services
- Welding services; extensive subcontracting network
- CNC machining with two machining centers and lathes
- Manual machining; with milling cutters and lathes
- Small kits, maintenance machining, prototype kits, single pieces
- Product development services and configurations